Veterans’ Graves Stick Flag Replacement
In May, volunteers participate in Post 27’s Stick Flag Replacement Program at the three local Muscatine Cemeteries; Greenwood, Memorial Park and St. Mary’s. Removal and replacement of flags at the cemeteries is a yearly Legion event, normally taking place shortly before Memorial Day. These three sites contain approximately 3,000 veterans’ graves with all flags replaced in honor of their service to our community and nation.
Although directed by American Legion Post 27, anyone who wishes to volunteer, and join us in this worthwhile endeavor, is always welcome! We usually meet, just before 9:00 a.m. at the Legion, on a preselected date (normally on Tuesday – the 3rd week in May). Depending on the number of people volunteering, we are typically done replacing flags around 11:30 a.m. We then head back to the Legion where refreshments, or a light lunch, is provided free of charge!
Honor Guard / Color Guard Information
In the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2000, the United States Congress legislated that, upon the request of the next of kin, all eligible Veterans MUST receive Military Funeral Honors when they pass on.
Military Funeral Honors are earned by every Veteran who has served honorably in any branch of the United States Military. Honors for these Veterans typically consist of an honor guard, firing party, the playing of taps and the folding and presentation of a burial flag. The American Legion has participated in performing thousands of burial ceremonies annually for the families of Veterans throughout their history.
Edward H. Bitzer American Legion Post 27 and, in association with, John Harold Kemble V.F.W. Post 1565 are honored to provide a combined Honor Guard unit to honor all Muscatine County deceased Veterans, members or not.
In most cases there will be active duty military personnel available for the flag folding and presentation. They also typically provide the ceremony commander or leader. In the event there are no active military personnel available, the Honor Guard may perform all aspects of the Military Funeral Honors Ceremony. The Honor Guard includes a Rifle Squad Commander and five to eight riflemen. The Honor Guard also provides the playing of taps and the American, POW/MIA and Military Branch flags.
The Honor Guard/Color Guard also presents the colors at various public events such as parades, Veteran’s functions, patriotic programs and school activities.